The SOLID Principles

The SOLID Principles: Writing Scalable & Maintainable Code. Single Responsibility, Open/Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion. Has anyone ever told you that you write “bad code”? Well if you have, there’s really nothing to be ashamed about. We all write flawed code as we learn. The good Read more…

AI Snake Game using Python

Snake Game Using Python

Snake Game using Python:- The single-player variant of Snake is a well-known and popular video game that requires a player to navigate a line-based representation of a snake through a two-dimensional playing area while avoiding collisions with the walls of the playing area and the body of the snake itself. Read more…

Hand Gesture Recognition

Hand Gesture Recognition

Hand Gesture Recognition:- Hand Gesture Recognition includes different components of visual actions such as the motion of hands, facial expression, and torso, to convey meaning. So far, in the field of gesture recognition, most previous works have focused on the manual component of gestures. A hand gesture recognition system provides Read more…